

I have decided to do a photoblog. It’ll act as a visual journal and sometimes a regular journal detailing bits and pieces of my life. I shoot a variety of work and much of what I shoot is never shown on social media or here on my website. This is in part due to the modern illness we all suffer from, which is the desire to keep a certain look to our social media pages, thereby excluding work that may not blend in or has a feel that is something other than what we’ve shown on the majority of our current feed. Cue the eye roll.

The other issue is that so much of social media is caught up with censoring the human body, and more specifically female-bodied humans. This to me truly is an issue. I shoot a lot of nude work. I’m not making pornographic imagery. There is a huge difference. I, like so many other artists, find the human body to be an incredible piece of work. The form is malleable, fluid, and beautiful. Having to censor nipples on a female bodied person but not on a male bodied person, because our society sexualises anything on a female body to such a degree that our bodies are considered explicit (as in offensive) even where there is nothing sexual going on, is complete and utter bullshit. And to do this in order to post on Instagram without being reported or removed? Please. This censoring can dampen the work and reduce the impact of the image or the message an artist may be trying to convey.

So here I am, making a greater attempt at utilizing a space I pay for. To share more of my personal work in a setting where I feel comfortable. To recount moments and share feelings in a space where I maintain control. This is for me, but I hope that should you visit, your eyes will enjoy themselves for a little while.

As ever,
